Difference between Diagun III and X431 Diagun

Launch X431 Diagun
Launch X431 Diagun

For car diagnostic tool, Launch has latest Launch X431. Such as X431 Diagun, X431 GX3, X431 Master, X431 GDS etc. Launch company are always developing new products. The most king tools are Launch X431 IV and Launch X431 Diagun III. Fast speed, freely updating, easy operation and high quality. You can find Launch X431 items anywhere in world car being.If you are ready for a new car tool, it is the best time now. Mid Year Sale is on. Get it or you may wait another year.

Launch X431 Diagun is Launch Company perfect Automotive Diagnostic Scanner. Original X431 diagun iii is new launch diagnostic tool. Autonumen X431 Diagun update by Email while X-431 Diagun III upgrade via Internet. X-431 Diagun III is a new professional vehicle diagnostic tool designed and developed by LAUNCH for repair technicians. It’s smart, easy to carry, fully functional and convenient to use, and it’s the standard equipment for garage technicians.
Difference between Launch X431 Diagun III and Launch X-431 Diagun
1. X-431 Diagun III support wire and bluetooth wireless diagnosis.
2. X431 Diagun 3 two Datastream waveforms displayed in one screen.
3. Diagun 3 Launch works for America, Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, Europe, China, Korea, Malaysia, Russia, S.Africa and Thailand vehicles.
4. LAUNCH X431 DIAGUN is for technicians to diagnostic nearly all domestic vehicle makes and Asian, European, American vehicle makes.

The two good-quality AUTOCOM CDP+ are 80 usd. I really do think this price is too good to believe. But when some customer see those CDP+ for 60 usd, they are in a hurry to pay.  It is not a good choice, actually. There are cheap clone devces exinsting in the market, but there are too cheap to make a good quality. when you buy this cheap product, you will get yourself in lot of trouble. it was not working; it can’t  be activated; or it may be broken after first use. Commonly, Cheap Autocom always lost in trouble when update Firmware. All this probles make you suffer.

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