Recently so many Customers asked why theĀ Launch X431 PAD is changed .Not only the outside is changed .the printer function is removed .Here pls give me chance to explain for about that .1: before that kind of the launch x431 pad we have sold out all .and that include the printer inside .Now we have changed that .and now the inside doesn’t include the printer .so if you want to add the printer function .you need extra to buy .the fee is 110usd .Original Universal Auto Scanner Launch X431 X-431 PAD 3G WIFI Free Update Online with Multi-languages ,X-431 PAD is the new generation tablet diagnostic scanner of LAUNCH for DBS (Diagnosis Based Solution) car system .
K-TAG ECU Programming Tool is designed entirely around the needs of our customers to be more responsive and reliable. A true champion of innovation, K-TAG introduces another brand new novelty to Alientech world: J-Tag communication for Asian vehicles. V2.11 KTAG K-TAG ECU Programming Tool Master Version with Hardware V6.070.No Token Limitation. V2.11 KTAG has unlimited tokens, we have add a renew button, when you run out of tens, only need press the renew button, then you will have tokens again.Here,buyobdtool.com shared the detailed steps how to get new tokens for v2.11 KTag ecu tool.
K-TAG works in perfect harmony. Learn how to useĀ KTAG K-TAG ECU Programming Tool takes almost no time, because all the communication protocols operate along similar principles. Once you have learned to use a protocol, you will naturally use all the others. Alientech knows what it means to work in motion. For this reason the research methods of the protocols and choice of vehicles are detailed and ordered.
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