Today, I will share with you how to connect to the service in step 5.2 of the jong dirk machine.
First of all, what you’re trying to do is not to ask the user and we’re going to turn it on. This app opens an internet page but it’s not connected to internet we always go to select offline when we select offline we will first check which interface we select this obviously because it’s only once let’s go to settings let’s go to reding here will be here this selected pdl 1 and version 2 if you have video l3 you have to select e3 then usually we select it and generally we can even change the language spanish show also there are those that say the change will be applied so here we close again Let’s open the program again it should be in Spanish and it’s offline.
We’re going to choose a light operation here we’re going to start a new operation here we’re going to put whatever we want but there may be something about this machine machine johnny admin 15 has such a failure this is a log report We give you the model numbers 67 28 80 with the space we are looking for next we are going to put the model 77 70 g series.
Something took me from there as it was and then they got pressure I’m going to start again 170g again we’re going to finish it when we finish it sorry I’ll be back next 77 30g see if it works with this model , and now yes when we haven’t finished the manual section appears here we see the engine service manual here and we see our activity complete reprogramming here.
When we want to move parameters and this is the diagnostics part this diagnostics part here he tells us to disconnect and here he asks us to choose his other time he asks us to choose his lae we are going to connect him here it takes a while Here we have here it has two codes saved in this in this control unit here the readings are fine and we go and send the information to the monitor.
For example if we want to do live test the control unit is fine we start direct to this or the module you want this trip no code observed symptoms troubleshooting help here we have the test section here we have the sv test communication cylinder The cutting axis beam dgt eye is not all good in spanish there is something due to the model or because the plane itself is not quite translated correctly so we have to take into account the calibration as they are the parameters we can modify in each module there are Those work it’s 10,000 232 hours obviously it’s a parameter more this particular is likely here they’ll ask for John Deer keys and we’re going to do 10 23 1.
Here it tells us that it cannot be less than hours and we will enter 10 2 3 2.
It’s impossible to get up and down if you can it requires us to provide a program we pay at least 120 for windsurfing for a few seconds and then give it emotion and then we learn obviously well and he’s here to say it’s satisfying it’s a save Most programs for customers now no no no if he doesn’t want to do anything he wants to connect when he pays for machines and panels get more points per second I think 10 minutes per minute not so sure and instruments we see comms Parts and reference data are basically more technical information.
Because that’s part of the same program every time we go to the program to diagnose we go to a new offline operation but it’s just to update the location there it’s part of the data over there I have a video of how to use it u na The same com for agriculture and construction it can be a program this pc has a pure moment build but if tomorrow they want to do agriculture then we have to follow the others and then we can log out here we can switch to us online Can go to another another another model what we have done here automatically is the solution.
This is part of the manual because it’s basically the same thing that fits but in this menu and here we can close the outlet until the product is executed our programming has done so is a general how to connect and how to get to the system, in this case , it does not have any engine.
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