The app relies on your car’s OBD2 Scanner, which was made mandatory for cars built from 1996 onward, into which you plug a cellular-enabled, Openbay-supplied device. Rob Infantino, the company CEO and founder, explains the service like this: “You’re driving down the road and your check-engine light comes on; within a minute or two you’ll get an alert telling you here’s the issue, here’s a shop that can repair, you can get it fixed this week.” The app is currently available for iOS.
Spring is almost here. The sun’s hanging around longer, and we know you’re itching to get riding! But don’t hit the road just yet – there’s a few things you need to do to get your bike back in shape after hibernating all winter. It should only take a couple of hours to get your bike in tip-top shape for riding season so you don’t miss a single day of it when it gets here. It’s a valid question, no matter how often or infrequent you ride. Either on-the-road usage and vibration, or in-the-garage inactivity can take their toll on your bike. Potentially degrading safety, control, performance and comfort ALL Auto Repair Software.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling after you realize you just backed over something important with the car. Maybe it was your kid’s bike, your mailbox or those hedges you just had meticulously trimmed. Or maybe it wasn’t even something important as much as it was just something else to mess up the rear bumper and make you ashamed to ever drive in reverse — ever.But a couple months after opening, Eve runs into a problem. While the shop is both willing and able enough to fix modern cars, they can’t get the service manuals they need from automakers to actually perform some repairs.
Just think about it, for most people, after a mortgage, a car is one of the most expensive purchases we make. So, how much time and thought did you put into finding a great auto mechanic? Chances are you spend more time planning your vacations! When you choose a mechanic to take care of your car, think of it as “hiring” someone to take care of one of your most expensive possessions. Would you hire someone without checking them out? Well, here are three key things to avoid [as well as a checklist of things to look for] when choosing your next auto mechanic.
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